
The Point Men (2023) – Devastating Terrorism Diplomacy to Watch

The Point Men (2023), against the backdrop of a tumultuous multinational conflict in Afghanistan, the Korean movie takes us on a heart-pounding journey through the gripping true story of a group of South Korean tourists held hostage by the Taliban.

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2023년 개봉한 영화 ‘더 포인트 맨’은 아프가니스탄 다국적 충돌의 배경 아래, 탈레반에게 납치된 대한민국 관광객의 진실된 이야기를 전합니다. Yim Soon Rye 감독의 역작으로, 이 영화는 긴장, 외교, 그리고 삶과 죽음에 대한 선택을 마주한 대한민국 외교관과 국가정보원 요원의 이야기를 탁월하게 담아냅니다. 국제 외교와 희생적인 상황에서 결정을 내리는 과정을 훌륭하게 보여주며, 희생자의 인내심을 감동적으로 그립니다. 이러한 점에서 ‘더 포인트 맨’ (2023)은 독특합니다. 정체불명의 수수께끼 같은 인물, Abdullah, 등장과 함께 납치된 인질을 풀기 위한 위험한 시도가 전개되는데, 이는 우리 주인공들의 용기와 결의를 시험하게 합니다. 긴장의 절정을 마주하는 외교관 Jae-ho와 탈레반 지도자의 대담한 협상, 모든 것이 여기에서 펼쳐집니다. 이 영화는 아프가니스탄의 고난스러운 한국인 인질 사건과 그에 이어 발생한 구출 작전의 본질을 포착합니다. 국제 외교의 복잡성과 상상할 수 없는 위험 앞에서 내린 고비결정을 보여줍니다

The point men

Directed by Yim Soon Rye, this film masterfully captures the tension, diplomacy, and life-or-death decisions faced by a Korean diplomat and a National Intelligence Service agent. The story revolves around the 9/11 attacks and when the American allied forces entered Afghanistan to eradicate terrorism, including a small South Korean troop contingent.

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Meanwhile, a group of Korean Christian missionaries, in defiance of government guidelines, embarks on a mission to evangelize among the Afghan population. Their journey takes a horrifying turn when they are abducted by armed Taliban gunmen, setting the stage for a high-stakes hostage crisis.

The terrorists view the South Korean civilians as valuable bargaining chips to press their demands for the release of Taliban prisoners and the withdrawal of South Korean troops from Afghanistan.

The South Korean government, initially reluctant to negotiate with terrorists, faces an agonizing choice as the gunmen threaten to execute the hostages one by one. In response, Seoul dispatched two unlikely allies, Diplomat Jung Jae-ho (Hwang Jung-min) and NIS agent Park Dae-sik (Hyun Bin), to the war-torn region in a desperate bid to save the hostages.

The film brilliantly portrays the egos of personalities and strategies of diplomats, Jae-ho, and the risk-taking agent, Dae-sik. Their mission is full of danger, and as the negotiations reach to the brink of collapse, the lives of both hostages move into a more dangerous situation.

What sets The Point Men (2023) apart actually?

The plot takes a surprising turn when Diplomat Jae-ho and NIS agent Dae-sik navigate the complex Afghan landscape, seeking the assistance of a powerful local royal family to help secure the hostages’ release. However, a revelation about the hostages being Christian missionaries, not volunteers, sends shockwaves that jeopardize the negotiation.

As the Taliban’s impatience grows, and with traditional means of resolution failing, the story takes a thrilling twist. A mysterious figure named Abdullah offers a risky solution: the exchange of money for the hostages. This last-ditch effort forces our protagonists into a life-threatening situation, testing their mettle and resolve.

The nail-biting climax unfolds as Diplomat Jae-ho faces the Taliban leader in a daring face-to-face negotiation.

The film captures the essence of the harrowing Korean hostage crisis in Afghanistan and the subsequent rescue mission. It showcases the complexities of international diplomacy and the high-stakes decisions made in the face of unimaginable danger.

How do visualization and direction play a role in the Movie?

The director’s skilful visualization and direction are commendable which brings great humour amidst the high tension prevailing from gritty realism to dark humour, creating a visually attractive experience that immerses viewers in the characters’ roles.

One-take shots, theatrical scenes, and thoughtful cinematography elevate the storytelling, adding sophistication and artistry to the series. The direction effectively conveys tension, suspense, and impending doom, making it a master class in setting the mood and atmosphere.

Character development is another area where direction shines, as the actors breathe life into their roles under the director’s guidance. The balance between dark themes and humour is a testament to the director’s vision, ensuring a seamless blend of these elements.

Is The Point Men Based on a True Story?

The true story behind the movie is both haunting and remarkable. The actual events that unfolded in 2007 were a testament to the dangers of terrorism. The Taliban’s abduction of Korean missionaries in Afghanistan, a seemingly innocent bus ride turned into a harrowing ordeal, reflects the ruthless tactics employed by terrorists.

Throughout the month-long crisis, the hostages were imprisoned by terrorists with their lives constantly at risk. The Taliban demanded the release of prisoners kept with the Korean government and the withdrawal of Korean troops from Afghanistan, this kept the South Korean government and the international community in a tense situation. Indonesia played a crucial role in securing the hostages’ release, involving a hefty ransom payment. It is presumed USD 20 million was paid.

The Muslim community in Korea expressed disapproval of the Taliban’s actions, which ran counter to Islamic principles. The hostages themselves felt remorse for the trouble they caused their government and fellow citizens.

The Point Men (2023) is a cinematic journey that will leave a lasting impact on its audience, reminding us of the enduring human spirit even in the darkest of times.

The movie underscores the dangers of terrorism and the challenging decisions faced by governments when innocent lives hang in the balance.

Cast & Crew


Person Role
Im Soon Rye Director


Person Role
Ahn Young Soo Screenwriter

Main Role

Actor/Actress Character
Hwang Jung Min Jung Jae Ho
Hyun Bin Park Dae Sik
Kang Ki Young Abdul Karim Qasim

Support Role

Actor/Actress Character
Lee Chun Moo Mi Sook’s son
Jung Jae Sung Mr. Kim – Vice Minister
Lee Seung Chul Minister Choi
Bryan Larkin Abdullah
Jeon Sung Woo Cha Min Yong – Secretary

Guest Role

Actor/Actress Character
Choi Bo Kwang Hong Mi Suk

Stay in the Loop for Lifetime “The Point Men (2023)” Collections

There’s more to say about “The Point Men” and we must keep in touch to know its performance in this Korean Drama in future.  We fans, to stay informed about its success and to evaluate the storyline in depth. Let’s keep your eyes open and share your thoughts in our Comments Section open-heartedly.

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The Point Men (2023) – Devastating Terrorism Diplomacy to Watch

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